Get Involved — Volunteer!
The WCES PTO relies on the help of the families of our school. We cannot accomplish our goals without your help. We always welcome volunteers and there are numerous ways you can help the school.
Current VOLUNTEER Opportunities
Volunteer Interests
To be a volunteer at any UCPS school, you will be required to register with the school system at the start of every school year. Make sure you have registered for the 2023-24 school year!
PTO Committee Descriptions
Improve the outdoor environment around the school. Care for flowerbeds and flower pots. Host Beautification Day in the fall. Please email the PTO at wesleychapelpto@gmail.com if you would like to lead a committee.
Contact businesses and community members for donations to the silent auction to raise money for the school. Collect donations, advertise, and set up event. Distribute donations to winners after payment.
Help to set up, tear down, and work during book fair hours to ring up sales and assist buyers with book selection. Book fairs usually run for one week in fall and spring to offer books to our students, teachers and staff. Proceeds are used to purchase books for the media center.
Decorate the PTO bulletin board in the school hallway to announce upcoming events and news.
Run copies weekly in the school workroom for teachers. Please contact the PTO if you have time each week that you could dedicate to this. wesleychapelpto@gmail.com
Develop our year-long sponsorship package. The purpose of the committee is to solicit corporate sponsors interested in promoting their business to our Wesley Chapel community while, in turn, vitally supporting our school. The Chair reaches out to the community to find these sponsors and works closely with them to gather their advertisements for our newsletter, website, banners, etc. Sponsorship is busy in the summer and early fall.
Plans and coordinates family fun events throughout the year.
Encourage parents to become PTO members at Open House and Back to School Bash. Create PTO membership contest at the beginning of the school year. Send thank you cards/letters to families who donate to the PTO.
Assist the teacher as they request. Coordinate class needs and activities for the teacher. Communicate with class throughout the year on behalf of the teacher when needed. Room parents are responsible for creating EFFF Class Raffle baskets! Make sure to update your profile and select your child's classroom that you would like to be room parent for.
Seeks opportunities to acknowledge and appreciate the teachers/staff through several activities during the year. Hosts a welcome back lunch/breakfast at the beginning of the year, organizes snacks at the monthly staff meetings and organizes pie give away at Thanksgiving. Organizes and oversees the Staff Appreciation Week in May. Cover lunch duty for teachers.
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, March 9
- Monday, March 17
- Wednesday, March 19
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, April 4
- Wednesday, April 9
- Friday, April 18
- Saturday, April 19
Corporate Sponsors
Thank you to all of our corporate patrons for supporting the Wesley Chapel Elementary PTO! Do you own a business? Are you interested in reaching over 1,000 parents and staff while supporting our school? Consider becoming a WCES PTO sponsor today or contact wesleychapelpto@gmail.com for information.
Why join the PTO?
100% of your donation goes into our school! During the 2020-2021 school year, the PTO was able to provide online learning programs such as IXL, which every grade level uses. The costs to purchase these classroom resources total $6,500. In addition, the PTO spent approximately $6,000 to provide cameras to teachers to support online learning. Furthermore, we support our teachers by purchasing additional cleaning items for their classrooms. This is a portion of what the PTO provides throughout the year in addition to the hundreds of volunteer hours.
For the 2021-2022 school year the PTO is looking to help our school with outdoor school improvements, educational resources and technological advances that will benefit the education of our students. The PTO will continue to provide IXL for students to access at home and in school.
Membership Matters!
1. The PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) is a non-profit organization that supports the faculty, students and families of WCES. Joining the PTO doesn’t mean you will be joining the board or committing to volunteering. By paying your membership, you will provide financial support for PTO funded activities. It also gives you the option to vote on important decisions.
2. The PTO is for everyone! Our volunteers are mothers, fathers and those who fill those roles. We have a wide range of volunteers who: stay-at-home; work part-time to full-time; have little ones at home, preschoolers, high schoolers and/or college students; are continuing their own education; and more. We welcome help from the families of our children at our various events, classroom activities, committees and fundraisers throughout the year.
3. Joining the PTO does not mean you are obligated to spend all your free time with us. You can help out as much or as little as you like. Even helping at just one event per year benefits the school immensely. You can help out at the school, or at home, whatever suits your schedule. Visit our volunteer page to view current volunteer needs.